Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Chilling Manifestation of the Antichrist!!!
Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 15, 2024

It is the Eternal One coming to you, My daughter, My beloved.
Write, beloved daughter, write, these are My last appeals for conversion,to men, before the dark night already comes.
Out with the merchants from the temple! Behold, your hour has come, accursed vipers, you shall have what you deserve, you shall be put in a condition of great suffering.
You have repudiated your Creator God, you have elevated yourselves to Him, you have mocked His Word, you have despised His prophets: ...oh, poor sinners! Traitors! Cowards!!!
You have allied yourselves with Satan, you participate in his cursed rites, you give yourselves shamelessly to him: ... for a day of glory on Earth you have lost eternal joy in Paradise.
Dense clouds of caligula will now cover the vault of the heavens, you will be seized with dismay, fear will seize you, you will not know where to take refuge, and I will not be able to take you in Me because you have rejected Me.
The stars will fall from the sky, the vault of heaven will change its appearance, everything will take a new form, everything will be purified.
When My shout will take your soul, you will understand your mistakes, but in truth I say to you: you will be left alone, in your free will you will be alone!!!
Chilling manifestation of the antichrist!!!
Here he is, he will present himself as good and charitable, but his real purpose is to make you fall into his infernal trap.
I warn you, My children, this is the worst time for you: be discerning, ... the murderer is about to cling to you, you will not be able to get out of his trap.
A few hours more, the timing of the antichrist will catch you by surprise:...beware O men, beware!!!
Behold, God still has spoken to you, do not be foolish, the time has come to an end!
The darkness will be devastating for your souls if you have not taken refuge in Me. Amen.
Source: ➥